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orange kindling logo of a log and flame with text saying COACHING

Lost your spark?


Building creative fires that just won’t light?

Wondering why everyone else seems on fire and you’re feeling snuffed out?

I'm here to help

my coaching ethos

When our creative life is stalled and stunted it’s easy to believe that it’s all our fault. We tell ourselves we’re lazy and untalented. We look at other more ‘successful’ creators and either burn with envy or try to imitate their path. We second-guess ourselves and decide that we are to blame for our weary, heartsore state. If only we were different: more motivated, more educated, more connected, more productive, more marketable. We wish we could melt ourselves down, pour ourselves into a ‘better’ mould and begin again. But, in the process of trying to become the creator we think we should be, we lose ourselves. I believe there is a better way.


You are exactly who you are meant to be.

Who you are is exactly who the world needs.


When we can truly believe and embody this, our creativity can flourish. Because when you know who you are, you know what you’re meant to create.


My coaching isn’t about asking you to change into someone different, because I don’t think that being anyone other than YOU is kind, useful or possible. I truly don’t believe that you have to become more or less of anything.


I want to help you truly be yourself.


When we know – and deeply love – ourselves and our unique creative DNA, we will make what we’re meant to make, we will create what the world needs from us. We will create what only we can create.


The world needs your fire. Are you ready to find kindling?

what's on offer

green kindling logo of a log and flame with heart

kindling coaching package

green kindling logo of log and orange flame

one-off spark session

green kindling logo of a log with a pink heart

free discovery call

the kindling approach

My Kindling coaching is designed to help you get to the heart of who you are, and what you – and only you – should be making.

Kindling might be right for you if you are:

  • stuck

  • burnt-out

  • unsure what you should be making

  • feeling injured and scarred by rejection and criticism

  • low on confidence

  • wanting to take stock

  • eager to explore new paths in your creative life and wanting to feel sure that the path you're on is the right one

  • consumed by comparison and self-criticism

  • feeling like you’re not living up to your potential or that you should be 'further on' than you are right now

  • experiencing barriers that make it hard for you to create: e.g. caring responsibilities, illness, pain, disability, neurodivergence, belonging to a minoritised community, etc.

  • wondering whether the creative life is for you – maybe you're too sensitive, soft-skinned, quiet and afraid

  • scared of that quiet inner voice that says you could be brilliant

  • wanting a way forward with a particular idea or project

  • afraid your creative career is over

  • ready to give it all up

If any of this feels familiar, it's time to get kindling.

choose your own adventure

green kindling logo of a log and flame with heart

kindling coaching package
£275 - limited time offer

Relight your creative fire and find your direction.

Our four, hour-long sessions will include:

  • Spark - a deep dive into you 

  • Creative Kindling - discover your creative DNA 

  • Creative Fire - define what you should be making 

  • Stay Lit - sustainable creativity and next steps 

Sessions will be via zoom and either every other week or once a month (to be agreed together). After each session you will receive an email with notes from me and items to work on in preparation for our next session. You will be asked to spend time on activities and reflection which will support the work we do together.

Contact me to arrange a free 30 minute discovery call to see if this will be a good fit for you and to find out about payment schedules.

green kindling logo of log and orange flame

one-off spark session

An energy boost for the creative soul

A one hour conversation where you will have my full attention, support and encouragement. Use this to spark ideas, offload your struggles, have help untangling a creative knot, find ways round roadblocks and challenges.

I am a great cheerleader and an intuitive listener. I will be in your corner and committed to helping you join the dots in your own story.

You will receive a follow up email noting our discussion and offering specific and practical prompts for next steps.

Contact me to book.

green kindling logo of a log with a pink heart

free discovery call

Let's see if we're a good fit!

A 30 minute chat about you and how I might be able to help. No pressure, no hard sell.

Contact me to book.



You should not have to squeeze to fit the work I offer

I know from experience that there can be all sorts of reasons why you might need things tweaked in order to support your needs. You are not being awkward, needy or demanding by letting me know how I can most effectively work with you.

For example:

  • I can offer shorter sessions

  • I am happy to share information in varying formats

  • I can provide flexibility based on your energy and wellness levels

  • I can time sessions around your caring duties 

  • We can have breaks

  • I can record our sessions so you can revisit them

  • We can use captioning in our zoom meetings

I am always completely delighted to learn new ways to make it easy for you to be part of kindling, so if there are specific things that you know will help, or if you would like a chat where we can creatively work together on a plan to make things doable and enjoyable please let me know. If I am unable to support you effectively, I will be honest and up-front about that - I have my own limitations too. I don't want you investing time, energy and money in something that may cause you difficulty or frustration. 


I understand that it can be hard to trust others with information about our needs and I would like to assure you that your personal details are always private and treated with respect. You will not be expected to  share anything you are not comfortable with.


While I cannot currently offer discounts, I am hoping to provide subsidised coaching sessions in the future. If you would like to be put on a waitlist for this, please contact me. You will not be asked questions about your financial situation.

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